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Upload your episodes
Updated over 3 months ago

You can upload your episodes starting from our CMS:

  1. Access the Content Management System (CMS) from your upper-right profile menu.

  2. Select the podcast in which you want to publish the episode - or create a new one.

  3. Click the “Upload episode” button and select the files.

  4. Once done, the files will show up in the listing. You’ll be able to edit the title, pick a category, and write its tags and description by choose one of the episodes.

  5. You can choose if you want to publish it immediately or make it available later by checking the “Publish later” option and picking a date and time.

You can upload files in the following formats:

  • 3gp

  • aac

  • amr

  • asf

  • flac

  • mp3

  • mp4

  • ogg

  • ra

  • wav

  • wma

with each file being no more than 300MB. We are working to support additional codecs & file formats. Check back for changes.

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