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Spreaker's Community Rules
Updated over a week ago

We want Spreaker to be a safe and pleasant place for the podcasting community.

We strongly suggest following the few dos and don’ts to avoid any content or account deletion. For more details, please read Spreaker's Terms of Service.

Do 👍

Don't 👎

Create Original Content

Be Creative! Share your voice with the world, just don’t infringe on other people’s copyrights when you do.

Upload content that isn’t yours

It’s your responsibility to obtain all the necessary permissions to upload non-original content. Copyright infringement will get your audio deleted, and your account terminated with no prior notice.

Speak to the world

Give an outlet to your passions and talk about everything that you love. Listeners are looking to hear your voice and your opinions, and creating content in a spoken form will allow you to grow your audience.

Upload music-only content

Podcasts are meant to be in a spoken format, and podcast listeners are not looking for music mixes or playlists. We’re sorry, but Spreaker is not a music hosting platform.

Voice your opinions and be constructive

Spreaker is the ideal place to voice your opinions and perspectives, and we fully support free speech. Of course, be tolerant and respectful of those whose ideas are different from yours, and keep offensive, defamatory or abusive content off of Spreaker.

Flame, rant, troll or impersonate others

Bad behavior towards others is not tolerated and puts you at risk of having your account terminated. Don’t troll or rant against others. Do not impersonate someone else by using their pictures or names. Account created should be original.

Support Spreaker

Use the features as they are supposed to be used. Respect our work and the effort we put to keep Spreaker at its best. Help us spread the word by linking back to us on your websites and social pages - we offer loyal users lots of stuff for free, you might be rewarded for that!

Misuse the platform

Don’t create fake accounts for the sole purpose of leaving comments, spamming, or boosting your stats. We devote a lot of time trying to keep the platform tidy for everyone to enjoy and, when we find something like that, we take immediate action.

Breaking such rules can mean getting your content deleted, and your account suspended or terminated with no prior notice.

Deleted accounts will not be retrieved under any circumstances, and no refund will be given for any previously purchased product or service.

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