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All the terminology you need to learn about the campaign manager

Updated over a week ago

ADVERTISER: An Advertiser is the company, agency, or brand, or the organization that is connected to a Campaign.

CAMPAIGN: A campaign is a container for Line Items. It’s a way to group together different audio ad runs.

LINE ITEM: A line Item is the entity related to the audio ad and has three components:

  • Targeting Rules

  • Goals

  • Audio Creative

AUDIO AD Add the audio ad in MP3 format, as long as it's in good quality.

START DATE: When is the campaign supposed to start?

END DATE: When is the campaign supposed to end?

PRIORITY: When you have more than one Line Item competing for the same ad placement, you can use priorities to determine which one should be prioritized and delivered faster.

Here is the list of the priority levels, going from the highest to the lowest:

  • Sponsorship: This is the highest priority and will always beat all of the other options available. Sponsorship is typically used to traffic campaigns from advertisers that want to buy all available slots for a specific podcast or episode.

  • High / Medium / Low: Use any of these three options based on your campaign needs.

  • Ad Exchange: By creating a line item with this priority, you specifically choose for this line item to compete with the Voxnest Ad Exchange (when enabled) based on the CPM of the ad.

  • Remnant: This is the lowest priority and will always lose against all other priority options. This priority is generally used to traffic free promos that you only want to run on unsold inventory.

DELIVERY - You can choose if you want the ads to be delivered Evenly Paced through the period of the campaign or As Fast As Possible

  • Evenly Paced: all the targeted impressions will be spread evenly during the day according to a proprietary pacing algorithm. This optimal distribution algorithm takes into consideration the impressions delivered so far against the final goal and takes a decision on when it is more beneficial to deliver the ad. That will ensure your campaign won't be delivered too slow, failing to reach the intended goal, or too fast, consuming all the available impressions ahead of schedule.

  • As Fast As Possible: the line item will deliver all the targeted impressions as quick as possible until the goal is reached.

IMPRESSION GOAL - How many impressions should this campaign run for?

CPM - This is the net CPM. It should be what the content owner (i.e.: The New York Times) gets. If there's an agency involved taking a cut, their share should be already subtracted from the amount the total CPM advertiser pays. It can also be $0 if it's a test or a promo campaign. This CPM is not a part of the Ad Revenue Share program.

REVENUE GOAL: This is the calculated goal of the Impression Goal multiplied by CPM.

TARGETING: Target content, target device, target geo

  • Target Content: select include/exclude targets for the campaign.

- Category: Define a list of Spreaker category names to run the campaign on.

- Network: If you want to run this campaign only on one or more networks, you can target that by name.

- Podcast : If you want to run this campaign only on one or more podcasts, you can target that by title.

- Episode: If you want to run this campaign only on one or more episodes, you can target that by title.

- Episode Publish Date: If you want to run a campaign only on episodes older or newer than a specific date of publication.

- Episode Age: Similar to Publish Date targeting but in relative terms. Instead of defining a specific date, you define a number of days the episode has been published since.

  • Target Geo:

Which country/es this campaign should run on? For the U.S., you could specify regions/states and even DMA (metro areas/cities).

THIRD-PARTY IMPRESSION URLs: You can use the Third-party impression url field to add up to 3 third-party impression tracking URLs. That is an URL (sometimes called “Pixel”) that is going to be fired every time there is an impression for that specific ad. In simple words, you can monitor the user interaction with the audio ad, thanks to a 3rd party tool (i.e: Veritonic, Claritas, Chartable, Podsights, etc…)

Our Campaign Manager supports a list of commonly used VAST macros. These macros are case-insensitive and can be wrapped by either: square brackets, dollar sign and curly brackets or double percentage (i.e. [macro_name], ${macro_name}, %%macro_name%% ).

[CACHEBUSTER]: Random 8-digit integer.

[TIMESTAMP]: The date and time on which the URI using this macro is accessed. Used wherever a timestamp is needed, the macro is replaced with the date and time using the formatting conventions of ISO 8601.

[DEVICEIP] or [IP]: IP address of the device that is rendering the ad to the end user.

[DEVICEUA] or [USERAGENT]: User-Agent of the device that is rendering the ad to the end user.

These are Spreaker specific macros instead:

[SHOWID]: Show ID of the content where the ad is inserted

[EPISODEID]: Episode ID of the content where the ad is inserted

[GDPR]: Possible values are 0 or 1. If 0 means that GDPR does not apply, and if 1 it applies.

[GDPR_CONSENT_XXXXXX]: XXXXX is the numeric Vendor ID - the ID of the vendor on the GVL who is expecting the URL call. Value is a URL-safe base64-encoded Transparency & Consent String.

[GDPR_PD]: Possible values are 0 or 1. If 0 means that none of URL parameters contain personal data.

[US_PRIVACY]: URL-encoded US Privacy string

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