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Updated over a week ago

With our Spreaker Podcast Player app, there are settings within the app that let you enhance your listening experience.

The option within the Account settings includes many different options such as

  • Updating your profile page

  • Upgrading your plan

  • Blocking users

  • Deleting your account

  • Logging out of the account.

On Android devices, you can change the appearance in the General section by making displaying it in light mode or dark mode.

The content category allows you to display

  • Your country location

  • Which language you would like the text displayed as

For the Notifications, this will allow you to be notified by the app when new episodes are available for listening by the hosts and shows you follow.

Further down the page, you will see the Downloads section.

  • You can update the storage by having the episodes downloaded to the internal device or an external memory card.

  • Download with wifi or cellular data.

  • Auto-download new episodes to your device to have the content ready to listen to whenever you need it.

The final section you will see is the About section. This is where you can

  • Report an issue with the app

  • You can review the app

  • Learn more information about Spreaker.

Settings on iOS

Settings on Android

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