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CSV report - Glossary
Updated over a week ago

You are able to download CSV reports of your statistics, as mentioned on our How the statistics page is organized article. This allows you to keep records of all your achievements and easily analyze and compare data.

But what do all the terms on these reports mean? Have a look below for all the information.


*The downloads displayed on the graphic are the are the sum of the Plays_count and the Downloads_count you see on the CSV report

Date: The specific day in which all the following occurred.

Plays_count: Number of total listens accrued

Plays_live_count: Number of accrued listens on live episodes

Plays_ondemand_count: Number of accrued listens on archived episodes

Downloads_count: Number of times an episode has been downloaded, meaning that audio file for the episode was downloaded onto the listeners device


Date: Date in which the listens occurred

Listeners_Count: Number of unique listeners for each day


Date: Date in which the likes were given

Likes_count: Number of likes given for each day


You can find the report download button below the countries percentages.

Name: Name of the country from which the listens originated

Plays_count: Number of listens accrued

Plays_count_percentage: Percentage of listens accrued

Code: Country code


You can find the report download button below the platforms percentages.

Name: Name of the platform on which the listens occurred

Plays_count: Number of listens accrued through the specific platform

Percentage: Percentage of listens for each of the platforms


You can find the report download button below the operating system percentages.

Type: By default this will always be "all"

Name: Name of the operating system from which the listens originated

Percentage: Percentage of listens accrued for each of the operating systems


Date: Date on which you have a specific number of followers

Followers_count: Number of total followers on each day

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